About us

Professionals to help you for any financial challenge.

We are the group of CA firms who came together to form a larger service entity which can deal with small to large any kind of requirement of corporate houses across India and globe on a later stage.

We believe in the expertise and matches every assignment on the basis of expertise with the partners, as everybody can not be master of everything.

Experience of our partners in their field justifies the requirement of the assignment, and in case it is not then we hire more relevant professionals to complete the task.

we have good numbers of professionals to engage on any kind of specialisation so that the task of client remains supreme to meet its urgency as well as quality.

Our work process


Understanding the requirement in depth to establish well define scope of work and the speciality required.


Introductory Brief on the solution to the client along with communication of transparent pricing.


Provide the solution within timelines and as per quality standards of S M A R on confirmation through LOI.

About us

Meet our team

Our Team is not only a team of professional but also shares a personal bonding and friendship which makes it fun filled passion more than the professional assignments.


Dinesh Mittal

b.Com, FCA

Arvind Sharma

B.Com, FCA

Surendra Rathore

B.Com., CA

Yogesh Agarwal

Have a project in mind? Let’s get to work.